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List of Japanese girl  >  Kanami Mita(三田かなみ)

Kanami Mita

三田かなみ | Kanami Mita

The face, flesh, and voice are all perfect, but it would have been great without the sunglasses. I can't get enough of this girl's face and loli voice. I'm glad you took off your sunglasses as well. Playing outside was great. The girl was nasty and aroused. The gasping when the vibrator ∩∩ is applied in the latter half and the sensitivity during the performance are good. The darkness in the first half of the outdoor scene and the sunglasses are redundant. Either way, they don't look like an amateur couple, but... It's (*°∀°)=3 in the anime voice and the man's hobaru look through the sunglasses. If I had to remove the sunglasses in the end, I would have liked to have removed them from the beginning. Sunglasses are charming...and I don't know why I need them. The half-heartedness was conspicuous. I didn't feel like an amateur. The girl was a likable child. I felt that she had a very amateurish atmosphere, but she was not my favorite woman. Kanami-chan Sunglasses h If you figure it out, it's nice to have a cute loli face.I'm glad that the breasts and pussy Φ are beautiful.Nami-chan is fair and has a cute voice. Fellatio thio thio is intense, isn't it? It's a pity that it's not a medium stock.  Click here for more information on Kanami Mita

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